Business (Entrepreneur) Immigration
British Columbia
Net Worth: $600,000 / Investment amount: minimum $200,000
Experience: 3 years or more management experience or 4 years of senior manager experience
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Interview: upon request of BC Government
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: 1 full-time job for Citizen or Permanent resident
Language Test: required
British Columbia - Regional Pilot
Net Worth: $300,000 / Investment amount: minimum $100,000
Experience: 3 years or more management experience or 4 years of senior manager experience
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Interview: upon request of BC Government
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: 1 full-time job for Citizen or Permanent resident
Language Test: required
Alberta - Farmer Stream Only
Net Worth: $500,000 / Investment amount: minimum $500,000
Experience: Farm manage experience an existing fram business
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: not required
Net Worth: $500,000 / Investment amount: minimum $200,000 (Regina, Saskatoon $300,000)
Experience: 3 years or more management experience
Exploratory Trip: required
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: 2 full-time job for Citizen or Permanent resident
Language Test: required
Net Worth: $500,000 / Investment amount: minimum $150,000 (Winnipeg $250,000)
Experience: 3 years or more management experience of past 5 years
Exploratory Trip: required
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required
Net Worth: $800,000 (Greater Toronto: $1,500,000) / Investment amount: minimum $500,000 (Greater Toronto $1,000,000)
Experience: 3 years or more management experience of past 5 years
Exploratory Trip: required
Deposit: not required
Job Creation: 2 full-time job for Citizen or Permanent resident
Language Test: Required CLB 4
Net Worth: $900,000 / Investment amount: not required, but 51% of equity of enterprise acquires or 25% of creates
Experience: 2 years or more management experience
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Interview: required
Deposit: $200,000 (Greater Montreal: $300,000)
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required
New Brunswick
Net Worth: $600,000 / Investment amount: minimum $250,000
Experience: 3 years or more management experience of past 5 years
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Interview: required
Deposit: $100,000
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required CLB 5
Nova Scotia
Net Worth: $600,000 / Investment amount: minimum $150,000
Experience: 3 years or more management experience of past 10 years
Exploratory Trip: requred
Interview: required
Deposit: not requred
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required CLB 5
Prince Edward Island
Net Worth: $600,000 / Investment amount: minimum $150,000
Experience: management experience
Exploratory Trip: requred
Interview: required
Deposit: $200,000
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required CLB 4
Net Worth: $500,000 / Investment amount: minimum $300,000
Experience: 3 years or more management experience of past 10 years
Exploratory Trip: recommended
Interview: required
Deposit: not requred
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required
Northwest Territories
Net Worth: $250,000 (Yellowknife: $500,000) / Investment amount: minimum $150,000 (Yellowknife $300,000)
Experience: relevant management experience
Exploratory Trip: required
Interview: required
Deposit: $75,000
Job Creation: not required
Language Test: required CLB 4